16 Number of children in a family


Some families have many children while others have only one child. Think about the positive and negative aspects of being in a family with several children. What size of family seems best? Why?

In earlier times the size of the families used to be large. People would go for as many children as they could have and would feel proud. But things began to change and people now go for just one or two children. Most people cannot afford to have many children.

Farmers who need helping hands on the fields like to have many children. Some communities believe that it is God who will decide how many children they have and therefore do not themselves restrict the number of children.

There are certain advantages of having many brothers and sisters. It is more fun and child exciting. Children enjoy each other’s company. They never get bored. Festivals and family occasions are more fun in large families. Children never suffer from boredom. They can share their feelings, joys and sorrows with each other. When they grow up they have more family members to support them in case of need. When the parents become old there are many children who can look after them.

When there are more children it is difficult to provide good education, health, food and other facilities. Parents who are poor are not able to afford two meals to their children. Parents cannot give equal attention to all the children.

Modern lifestyle is very expensive. The standard of living is high. It is therefore not possible to have many children. People should only have one or two children. Inflation, job insecurity and unemployment has made work life more challenging.

Another reason why people should not go for many children is that women now want to take up job and have careers. Women therefore should not have many children.

People now want a quality life. They want to spend money on entertainment, travelling and enjoying life. In nuclear families children get full attention of his parents and can enjoy luxuries.

Many parents now opt for one child. The disadvantage for children if they are the only child of their parents is that they may get pampered or become selfish. They have no siblings to share love or things with and thus may become self-centred. A single child may suffer from loneliness and boredom. Festivals are less fun as they are celebrated alone.

Some parents prefer having two children. This is better for the children have the company of each other. They have someone to play with.

In the present scenario having many children can lead to financial problems. The children will not be well looked after. But in these modern times women cannot sit at home rearing children. They want to earn and have aspiring careers.



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