IELTS Speaking Tips

Answer the question fully

Do not give a one word answer such as yes or no. First understand the question and then answer what it is asking. Answer as best as you can. Answer…


Improve active and dormant vocabulary

There are two types of vocabulary, active and dormant. Active vocabulary consists of words that we use daily. Dormant vocabulary consists of words whose meaning we know but which we…

IELTS Writing Tips

Learning vocabulary is an autonomous activity

This holds true for intermediate and advanced English learners. The best way to learn new words is by reading English. Reading will also help students to learn how to use…

IELTS Writing Tips

How to improve spellings

Reading English is the only way to improve spellings. While reading you see the words with your eyes. Our visual memory is stronger than audio memory. Spellings of 80% words…


Use new vocabulary correctly

IELTS books and websites advise candidates to use good vocabulary. Candidates fail to understand this advice. They start learning new vocabulary without learning how to use it correctly in sentences.…

IELTS Writing Tips

Avoid long rambling sentences

Students can score fairly well, may be higher than 6 bands, if they are able to express themselves in correct and simple English. Examiners simply wish to see if the…

IELTS Writing Tips

Be relevant to the question

Be relevant and write only what is being asked by the question. Do not write anything that is irrelevant. In other words do not go off track. The examiner will…

IELTS Writing Tips

Do not use proverbs or too much statistical data

You will not get any marks for using proverbs. So do not fill your essays with proverbs. The examiners will skip them while reading your essay. Neither should you fill…

IELTS Writing Tips

Make Paragraphs

There is penalty if you do not make paragraphs. In every essay to need to have ideas which you must express clearly in separate paragraphs. These paragraphs should be arranged…

IELTS Writing Tips

No short cuts to success

IELTS is an English exam. Your IELTS score will reflect your English level. Hence to ensure a good score in your very first attempt you need to have a good…