15 Learning outside classrooms


 be educated in many ways. Though much education happens in a classroom, we are also educated in our daily life through doing activities and listening to our friends and our family members. Which is a better way to learn; in a classroom with a teacher, or outside a classroom by doing things? Support your answer with examples and details.

We are taught many subjects in schools and colleges. The education imparted in classrooms is formal and limited to books. A child doesn’t gain practical knowledge and experience. Knowledge gained in schools is applied to our day to day life situations and hence further learning takes place.

Formal education imparted in schools is the first step and lays the foundation for future learning. Learning acquired in schools cannot be acquired in homes or friends. Formal learning is very essential and education being broad based we are taught many subjects in schools and colleges.

Besides the classroom learning children do many activities at home from which learning takes place. Children have learning experiences from interactions with family members and friends. Such learning is as useful as classroom learning.


At home a child does activities like gardening, cooking, cleaning, repairing, shopping, making and receiving phone calls and so on. He spends a lot of time with family members, siblings, elders and chats with them. Arguments and fights teach him some lessons. The elders try to help a child form good habits like sleeping early, eating healthy food and hygiene. They teach him moral values and ethics, the value of honesty and speaking truth. The child is taught manners and how to be considerate for others.

A child learns social skills by making friends and playing with them. He plays outdoor or indoor games with them and learns to use his mental faculties. He learns communication skills and social skills. He learns how to resolve conflicts and keep promises. He also learns self-discipline and how to be loyal friends.

Children help their mothers with household activities like cooking, cleaning or gardening. He learns to handle calls and speak politely. He runs errands for them. He does shopping and learns to bargain, calculate and go out in the market.

Children join classes for learning skills like singing, dancing, painting or playing musical instruments. Some join sports academies to learn cricket, swimming, lawn tennis, football and so on. Children enhance their skills in these areas. Though schools may provide facilities for such activities they are often not enough.


Interaction with family members, relatives and friends leads to exchange of ideas and a give and take of knowledge. Sharing of experiences leads to self-development and maturity.

I personally feel that though classroom teaching is irreplaceable and an essential part of ones education children have plenty of learning experiences at home doing many activities and with many people. Learning experiences outside the school contribute to the growth mind and intellect.

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