Reading section is a strategy based exam


Read instructions carefully

  • Don’t skip the instructions so as to save time.
  • The instructions tell you what kind of answer to give.
  • They contain clues about information contained in the passage.
  • Likewise the questions provide valuable hints for specific information to look for.

 Read the passages actively.

  • Avoid passive reading.

Read as little as possible

  • While finding answers to questions
  • There is too much material for us to be able to read everything and answer all questions in the time available

Read around the Keywords/Phrases in the passage

  • Locate the first instance of the keyword in the reading passage.
  • Read around the keyword.
  • If the answer is not there, than find another location of the keyword.
  • Sometimes the keyword is located much before the answer in a passage.
  • The answer is usually found in the same paragraph as the keyword/phrase.
  • The corresponding keywords/phrases in the passage may contain substituted words or they may be phrases with a similar meaning.

Circles dates

  • If you get a text with a lot of dates, circle them as you go along – chances are the dates are going to be important.
  • If you circle them you can find them again easily.

Circle names

  • Likewise with names; even if there aren’t a lot of names, circle the ones you find so you can find them again easily.

Increase Reading Speed

  • Read a lot on a variety of topics.
  • Read in groups of words that form logical units of thoughts within sentences.
  • If you read each word in a sentence, you will not understand the meaning at the sentence level.

Get rid of your negative attitude

  • Test takers get easily discouraged by the difficulty level of the passages or the vocabulary or the topics that are unfamiliar to them.
  • However the difficult vocabulary or unfamiliar topics has nothing to do with our ability to answer questions and score bands.

 On the exam day

  • Read the instructions quickly and understand them as well.
  • Do not also waste time by reading the explanatory information slowly.

Verify answers

  • Even if you know the answers, you must verify it from the text.

Make logical guesses

  • Some answers require a logical guess.

 You needn’t answer questions in the order in which they are given.

  • For instance you may prefer to do the summary or a headings questions first

No Repetition

  • The answer to one question will never be given in another question

Spend one minute on each answer.

  • If you are still unsure of the answer, then make a sensible guess.
  • You can return to these answers later
  • Do not leave any answer blank as you do not lose marks for incorrect answers.

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