13 Migration to urban areas


There is a continuing migration from the countryside to urban areas in most countries of the world. ‘It is more important for governments to ensure adequate standards of housing, education and health care for their citizens by developing the industrial base than to use their resources to develop the rural areas.’ Write for or against.

In all countries of the world there is a continuous migration of people from the rural areas to the urban areas. This is a natural phenomena. So while 70% of people in developing countries are engaged in agriculture only 20% are engaged in agriculture in developed countries. People are compelled by circumstances to migrate to urban areas for a better living or a better lifestyle.

In the rural areas agriculture is the main occupation of the people. For some parts of the year there is not employment for those who do not own lands. The landless are often unemployed or exploited. Besides as generations succeed the land gets divided and subdivided with not much land being left for the next generation. So people from rural areas move to the urban areas as their only option.

In towns and cities there are better options for jobs. Also the standard of living and the quality of life is good. The government provides good facilities like clean drinking water, transportation, health, education and so on.

Hence I am of the opinion that the government should focus on improving facilities for people living in urban areas. Spending on bettering the living and economic conditions is a wiser option. The government should anticipate future social and economic needs of the society and plan much in advance. As people will steadily continue to migrate to urban areas problems could arise with housing, sanitation, education, health and so on.

Government likewise also improve employment and economic opportunities by improving the industrial base or certain sectors. This will be good for the people as well as the nation as a whole.

Much more resources would be required if the government were to think of reforming rural areas where the density of population will always be less. Moreover it will also take more years to develop such areas.

Hence I would like to conclude that migration from rural areas to urban areas is a worldwide phenomenon which can never stop. Such migration may be slower in some countries but this is inevitable.



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